Investment projects
OJSC Kyrgyzaltyn is aimed at attracting local and foreign investment in the industrial development of deposits and the study of promising gold ore clusters. The main attention is paid to the ore sector - promising in terms of volumes of precious metals production, but requiring large investments.
The result of a favorable investment environment in the industry of the Kyrgyz Republic is the creation of joint companies with Chinese partners Altynken LLC, Turkish partners Eti Bakir Tereksay LLC, etc.
By investment issues, you can contact the Investment Department of Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC by the contact phone number. +996 312 666 701 or at the address Bishkek, Abdumonunova str. 195
Application for a meeting on investment issues (filled out in Russian)Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, st. Abdymomunova, No. 195